New User Guide

To pay your membership for 2022 please click on (The link may not open in Internet Explorer so please use a different browser). You will be redirected to Foireann GAA website to complete your membership and register for the year ahead – please see step by step instructions below which can also be downloaded for reference:

Steps to Register Simplified (pdf)…

Steps for Registration – Detailed with screenshots (1mb pdf)…

If using this system for the first time then the following steps will guide you through the online process –

1.    If this is your first time using this site you will need to register as a new user.  If you are an existing user then login with your Return to Play username from last year.

2.    If registering as a new user for the first time you will receive a verification email to activate your account

3.    Once you have activated your account you must complete the consent form i.e. medical details, photo consent etc.

4.    Click Add Club – Select Tobar Phádraig from drop down list. Select Tobar Phádraig for both GAA and Camogie players.  GAA and Camogie clubs are setup as one club.

5.    Click Save.  You will now be brought to the home page.

6.    To register as a FAMILY go to step 8.  If registering as Adult, Juvenile or Student continue to step 7.

7.    Click Membership from menu on left side. Browse to relevant membership option and select Register and follow steps to complete registration. It is important to select the correct membership option (i.e Adult Player or Adult Non-Player)

8.    FAMILY Registration – If you are registering as a family membership you need to setup both parent(s) profiles first, and link your family before clicking register.

9.    To setup Family Profile

·       Both parents need to register individually on first (follow steps 1 to 5 above)

·       Once both parents are registered, proceed to setup family profile.  Click Family on menu on left hand side.

·       Click Add New Family and name your family.

·       Click Invite Parent/Guardian to add a 2nd adult to your family.

·       The 2nd parent will receive an email to accept the invitation.  Once second adult has accepted invitation they will appear under drop down for 2nd Adult.

·       Each child should be added by selecting Add Child.  Repeat this for each child you are registering as part of your Family,

·       You are now ready to pay your Membership and register your family for the 2022 playing year.  Click Membership on menu on left hand menu

·       Select family membership option and follow steps to complete registration.  NB select correct membership option for each child (Camogie Youth if camogie player or GAA Youth if GAA player)

To sign up for club membership please login to (The link may not open in Internet Explorer so please use a different browser).

Thank you for your Membership 2022!