COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS: There was positive news from the GAA as a consequence of the Government’s recent Covid-19 updates. Non-contact underage training, in pods of 15, will be permitted from Monday April 26. Full contact inter-county training at adult level can recommence from Monday April 19. The GAA is also working on a Master Fixture List and determining which competitions will be run. When more information becomes available, the club will communicate with its membership.
CLUB LIMERICK DRAW: The April Club Limerick Draw will take place on Saturday April 24, during the Live 95fm Sports Programme between 10am and 11am.
If you would like to renew or update your membership online, please visit and select Patrickswell. You can also enter the number of draws that you wish to sign up for. There are nine draws remaining. The deadline for online sign up is 4pm on Friday April 23. If you wish to renew through the club, please contact Seamus O’Riordan at 087-2869175.
The Exclusive April Star Prize is a Weber Spirit II E 320 GBS Gas Barbecue plus €250 worth of free utensils.
TEAM LIMERICK CLEAN-UP: Thanks to everyone who participated in the Team Limerick Clean-up on Good Friday. This is a great event and vitally important to the community and the environment.