CLUB LIMERICK DRAW 2021: Patrickswell had no winners in the March 2021 Club Limerick draw. However, there are still nine draws left to scoop a big prize. If you aren’t in, you can’t win. Players can rejoin the draw online at or contact Seamus O’Riordan at 0872869175
COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS: The GAA has issued a letter to all clubs about Covid-19 and “Return to Play”. In summary, the GAA are awaiting the Government’s publication of proposed changes to current Covid-19 restrictions. The GAA reiterated that they have made no decisions about what competitions may or may not be facilitated in 2021. The key factor will be the time available to run inter-county competitions and the broader participation levels necessary for club fixtures at adult and child level.
CON AND ANNIE KIRBY MEMORIAL STAKE: Patrickswell’s nominated greyhound, Navy Blue, was eliminated from the Con & Annie Kirby Memorial Stakes.
TEAM LIMERICK CLEAN-UP: The annual Team Limerick Clean Up 6 #TLC6 takes place on Good Friday April 2. Limerick GAA has been at the heart of this initiative since it began and look forward to continuing to support the day which celebrates Pride in Limerick and Care for the Environment. This year, due to the restrictions, clean ups can only be confined to within your own home boundary.